SawStop Industrial Cabinet Saw

Shipping Fee of $425.00


SawStop Industrial Cabinet Saw

Shipping Fee of $425.00


Weight 750 lbs

3hp, 5hp, 7.5hp

T-Glide Fence

36", 52"


230v, 480v


1 phase, 3 phase



  • SAWSTOP PATENTED SAFETY SYSTEM: Stops a spinning blade on contact with skin. The blade stops in less than 5 milliseconds, and drops below the table, minimizing a potentially life-altering injury to a mere scratch.
  • UNMATCHED QUALITY: The trunnion and arbor are built for precision, strength and stability. The gas piston elevation delivers smooth and easy adjustability. Table flatness is measured diagonally at 0.010” maximum gap.
  • DUST COLLECTION: 99% dust collection is delivered above the table with the available dust collection blade guard (Model # TSG-DC, sold separately), and below the table with advanced shrouding around the blade. Available Overarm Dust Collection (Model # TSA-ODC, sold separately) routes dust away from the blade and into the 4” port.
  • RELIABILITY: The Control Box houses the on-off switch, power paddle, and on-board computer, and constantly checks that all systems are working to reliably keep you safe.


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